Yig Fight For It  

I start with a goal in Mind

Then use every tool I can Find



Chaos can Create many a Line

As I follow the path into the Devine


The lines lead to multiple Objectives

Prioritize my Perspectives


Use my motivations and Skills

Embrace beauty and cancel Ills


Soon I move with Grace

While showing a better Face


Goals piece Together

As I change my internal Weather



Like a serpent I follow the lines which soon Intersect

As completed projects I Erect

Stepping up, I Grin

And soon a new day I will Begin



If you feel like it, consider looking up my Cyberpunk novel. Detective Dak is asked to hunt down all the clones in New Cluster but is in love with one of them.


Yig Alone

Obstacles stand before Me

And I must become a one man Army



Allies can fall Away

But my goals will always Stay


In the end I must count on Myself

And into work and hardship I must Delve


Enemies appear and friends Turn

As we over and over again Learn


We often find ourselves Alone

Working through the hardest times we have Known


Others push obstacles into our Path

And confront us with their Wrath



So Yig I call out to You

Even if I must fight alone help me accomplish all I must Do


In the end there is no greater Reward

Than knowing it was you that reached the goal you head Toward



If you feel like it, consider looking up my Cyberpunk novel. Detective Dak is asked to hunt down all the clones in New Cluster but is in love with one of them.


Yig Jump Start

At times you can get Behind

And soon you will be lucky to get a Rind



It is then you never to get Smart

For your life you have to Jumpstart


Think about what you can Do

Before things slip more away from You


Moving ahead is a good way to Be

Soon we might feel more Free


But we still need to take things to Task

Your problems you cannot Mask


Find a way to make things Better

And drive through this bad Weather



Yig help us be Stronger

So we will suffer no Longer


And as we move Ahead

We will not be rolling over and playing Dead



If you feel like it, consider looking up my Cyberpunk novel. Detective Dak is asked to hunt down all the clones in New Cluster but is in love with one of them.


Yig Up to Speed

There are things that each of us Need

In order to get up to Speed



Sometimes it is something to do with your Body

For that should never be Shoddy


Maybe it is your Place

It should be something to show with a good Face


Maybe you need more Gear

Some things are required each Year


Are there things to tie up with Friends

Some situations require Amends


What about the things you already Own

Improve and repair so you do not have to spend more money and Groan



So Yig help us get our act Together

And we can kick out our goals in both good and bad Weather

For it is never Wrong

To be proud and Strong



Grab my Cyberpunk novel here. Dak has been hired to chase down the Skinjumper clones, he biggest problem, he’s dating one.


Yig Finale    

I am ready to flip the Switch

As this builds to a fever Pitch


I have planned and Plot

To better our Lot


The end before a new Beginning

Make sure our side is Winning


We might get a break Soon

But right now, the end of this Chapter will Loom


Here I Stand

Ready to lend a Hand


But the mystery remains Great

For I have not uncovered my Plate


Primal Energy rushes Around

And I brace my feet in the Ground


Coming in staying strong and Smart

Then rest, for the new story is about to Start



Grab my Cyberpunk novel here. Dak has been hired to chase down the Skinjumper clones, he biggest problem, he’s dating one.


Yig Perseverance

Things can drag you Down

Smash your face into the Ground



People of Yig fight Back

Mess with us and we will go on the Attack


Yet sometimes it is three steps forward a two steps in Reverse

The Universe can be trying and Perverse


Even when everything seems like a Lie

We get back up, dust off, and Try


Until I am Dead

I will keep trying to get Ahead


The road might be long and obstacles can bar the Way

But I will Constantly Kick Ass every Day



Yes, there could be a million things to Do

But I will always try to push Through


So Yig hear me this Day

And send your powerful blessings my Way



If you feel like it, consider looking up my Cyberpunk novel. Detective Dak is asked to hunt down all the clones in New Cluster but is in love with one of them.


Yig Everything Day  

Normal considerations will be pushed out of the Way

Once I start my Everything Day

Fun but also Dealing

Could find an average person Reeling


Physical, mental, emotional, and Spiritual

And I haven’t eaten so much as a bowl of Cereal


Enemies and annoying tasks I Kill

While in pleasure, I take my Fill


Sweat pouring Down

Leaving little circles in the Ground


Grab things as I Move

Music to fit my Groove

Together or Alone

Strong like a Stone


Soon after my Start

I see the clouds Part



Grab a little of my fiction here


Yig Roots

When you are whipped by the Wind

Having deep roots is your Friend

Whether I am somewhere for a short stay or Long

I will grow my roots Strong


Sometimes it takes charisma and doing a song and a Dance

To help us set the stage in Advance


Part of staying still are the allies you Gain

They grew anywhere we Remain

We can also gather more resources and Gear

Which moving can make you Clear


Like a tree that cannot be blown Over

Roots strengthen us for the burdens we must Shoulder

So Yig let us glow in your Light

As we battle against the evils of Night


For when we drop a Root

There is no limit to how high we can Shoot



Grab a little of my fiction here


Yig True To Yourself

In this life where people seek to Mold You

It is easy to let others dictate what you Do

But that is no way to Live

To your true self the power you should Give


When you let others take Control

It is your soul that pays the Toll


We all seek to be our true Self

Not let our personality collect dust on a Shelve


Yet people will always Try

Until the day you Die


So we need to let our real self Shine

And we will be closer to the Divine

So Yig help us stay True

And we will always look up to You


And as we enter a new Day

We will live our lives as we Say



Grab a little of my fiction here


Yig Embrace the Stalwart

In this life it not easy to feel belittled and Down

Soon the hero within you cannot be Found

But we do not need to be angry to Fight

We just need to have the confidence to know what we are doing is Right


A warrior seeks a Goal

And does not let everyday bullshit take its Toll


Find the spark that makes you Alive

And use it to always Strive


Never Hide

From the Hero you have Inside


What will be remembered a year from Now

Make each day part of your Wow

Yig help make us Strong

Steer us to the right and never the Wrong


In return each morning we will Start

By embracing the Stalwart



Jack Primus is the warrior of Yig. Explore his world here!
